Welcome to MarioMario753's Official Blog and Website

Yep, I finally made a website. Here you can follow me and find out when my movies are coming out. I'm gonna be fast here, so you can start exploring my site.
My coming videos won't like machinima. Not yet. My first videos will be made by Windows Movie Maker, but if I get popular I will hopefully buy a more advanced (And more AWESOME) video editing software, most likely Sony Vegas Pro 7-9.
But i can't make myself popular. It's all up to you, the viewer.
So you must watch my videos, subscribe to my YouTube-channel, follow me and my blog and add my videos to your favourites. Thanks for reading!
- MarioMario753

torsdag 23. desember 2010

Friends, partners and... Friends.

Here's a list of my bets friends on YouTube:
LuigiLuigi753 (Benjamin: Technical Producer) 
Waluigi222111 (Friend)
SuperXxmaxX (Friend)
MrPFDemolition (Friend)
MarioMario54321 (Inspiration)
Wapacastle63 (Friend)
Chrisglowormwells2 (Friend)

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